Eclipse IDE – What the future Holds!

The Eclipse IDE Working Group Steering Committee recently discussed the future of the Eclipse IDE — Many of you must have seen this LinkedIn post. Stakeholders from different companies met in Frankfurt to discuss the way forward for the Eclipse IDE

Eclipse IDE WG stakeholders at Yatta

The stakeholders included a variety of roles — customers, partners, developers, founders, evangelists and more. This was not just a discussion,they came prepared with ideas on how the Eclipse IDE could evolve in the near and far future — and brainstormed how to get there.

Eclipse IDE Splash Screen 2023–06

Aren’t you curious to find out what happened in that room? What did they discuss? What is the vision of the Eclipse IDE Working Group?

They are planning to let you in on all of it.

On April 26th, 12:00 UTC — Come be a part of Eclipse!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 4126 9789
Passcode: 875753

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